Advancing national support
for climate-neutral cities

A support action for national and regional authorities to advance their governance structures and strengthen dedicated support for cities to achieve the climate-neutral Cities Mission.
The project is funded under the EU Missions programme of Horizon Europe.

CapaCITIES coordinates actions across climate neutral city initiatives in Europe in order to exploit synergies between them and align efforts towards the goals of the mission including city networks, the UAEU partnerships, the CoR, and others.

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"Research Alliances for Climate-Neutral, Sustainable and Equitable Urban Communities" conference


The Institute of Methodologies for Environmental Analysis of the National Research Council (CNR-IMAA), the Italian National Agency for the New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Development (ENEA), and the Urban Europe Research Alliance (UERA) are organizing the "Research Alliances for Climate-Neutral,…


The role of CapaCITIES national platforms and ambassadors presented at the joint event of the LIFE NECPlatform and IN-PLAN projects held in Rome


On 10 December 2024 the joint event of the LIFE NECPlatform and IN-PLAN projects took place in Rome, entitled ‘The role of multi-level governance and integrated territorial planning to support energy transition’. The meeting, which took place at Villa Altieri…


Highlights from the National Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities Mission Event


The National Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities Mission Event, organized under the Horizon Europe CapaCITIES project by TÜBİTAK, took place on October 17, 2024, in Ankara, Türkiye. This significant event brought together representatives from relevant ministries and organizations, aiming to raise…


CapaCITIES at the 10th European Conference on Sustainable Cities and Towns


The European movement of local governments dedicated to ambitious climate action has celebrated 30 years of progress and achievements in local sustainability at the 10th European Conference on Sustainable Cities and Towns (ESCT) in Aalborg, Denmark. Since the first ESCT…


The role of CapaCITIES ambassadors discussed during the 13th International Conference on Sustainable Development and Planning (WESSEX SDP 2024)


The role of CapaCITIES ambassadors as facilitators for the dissemination of national platforms and to support the engagement of national governments was introduced by Luigi Santopietro (CNR-IMAA) during the International Conference on Sustainable Development and Planning 2024 held in Seville…


CapaCITIES project presented at the 19th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES)


The CapaCITIES project was presented during the 19th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES) held in Rome from 8 to 12 September. With nearly 700 participants (570 on-site and 120 remote) from 62 countries, this…


The 9 Italian Mission Cities Climate Contracts in an ASviS publication


At the end of July 2024 the Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development (ASviS) released a complete and extremely interesting publication on the Climate City Contracts of the 9 Italian Mission Cities: Bergamo, Bologna, Firenze, Milano, Padova, Parma, Prato, Roma and…


Online Workshop “Building Pilot Projects for Net-zero Carbon buildings in the Albanian UTM cities”


AL-Green, acting as Albanian Missions HUB in the CapaCITIES Consortium, organised the “Building Pilot Projects for Net-zero Carbon buildings in the Albanian UTM cities”, occurring online on the 23rd of May to provide concrete support for Albanian UTM cities to…


Viable Cities Climate Breakfast: “Följeforskning” – a new breed of transition research


On the 22nd of May the Viable Cities Climate Breakfast will be dedicated to “följeforskning”. In Swedish this concept is related to action research and developmental evaluation, where the researcher joins a team of practitioners to do research together with…


Italian Workshop "Climate Neutrality in Cities: Alignment between National Initiatives. The Role of Ambassadors promoted by the CapaCITIES project"


On May 8th, a workshop on "Climate Neutrality in Cities: Alignment between National Initiatives. The Role of Ambassadors promoted by the CapaCITIES project" took place in Rome at the ENEA headquarters on Lungo Tevere Thaon de Revel 76. The event…


CapaCITIES and NetZeroCities 1st networking event on national platforms for climate neutral cities


The 1st in person exchange and networking event for national platforms for climate neutral cities took place on 14th of March at EITHouse in Brussels. Co-organised by CapaCITIES and NetZeroCitiesEU, the meeting was held under the format of a Transnational…


Best practice for national multi-level stakeholder meetings: invite an outsider!


At a workshop at the Consortium Meeting in Cluj in December 2023 experiences, success-factors and ideas for national multi-level stakeholder meetings were discussed. Such meetings are key to the process of both establishing long term initiatives and to move quickly…


The CapaCITIES Learning Portfolio


In December 2023 the CapaCITIES learning portfolio has been published. This important document compiles the key learnings resulted from the CapaCITIES project and answers to different types of knowledge that actors in the ecosystem need to practice and implement sustainable…


CrAFt Waterfront Cities Session


The CrAFt Waterfront Cities Session represents an opportunity to explore the intersection of the Cities and Ocean & Waters missions at the CrAFt Waterfront Cities Session. It will take place online on Monday, 19 February 2024 from 10:30 to 12:00…


Workshop on multi-level governance for smart and carbon-neutral cities in Portugal


On 7th of February 2024, the first of a series of three events promoted by DGEG, took place in Portugal with the support of the Centre for Studies in Innovation, Technology and Development Policies (IN+), within the scope of the CapaCITIES…


National seminar of Healthy Cities of the Czech Republic National Network “CITIES & ENERGY - Climate, Practice, Sharing”


On 19 January 2024, a Czech national seminar with a comprehensive programme on “CITIES & ENERGY - Sharing, Climate, Practice” took place in Prague, organised with the support of the CapaCITIES project. In its opening part, representatives of the Ministries…


The CapaCITIES project presented at the Italian event “What tools for the energy transition of the cities?”

18 December 2023

On the 18th of December 2023, a seminar focusing on the energy transition of cities towards climate neutrality was held in Brescia (Italy) as part of the 2ISECAP project. The event was organised and hosted by the University of Brescia…


Launch of the national Mirror Mission Cities Hub in Romania (M100) & CapaCITIES Workshops

18-19 December 2023

For two days, the European national platforms supporting the Mission Cities implementation in their contexts will exchange on their challenges regarding the transition to climate neutrality and on the driving factors towards their sustainability in a changing world.


International Climate Neutral Cities Conference in Hungary

28 November 2023

The event will feature various sessions with presentations and speeches from distinguished representatives, including those from the European Commission, the NetZeroCities project supporting the European Cities Mission, the DUT Partnership, and the CapaCITIES project. Notably, representatives from Hungarian cities actively…


CapaCITIES participatory lab at #EURegionsWeek: advancing the Mission Cities implementation in 15 European countries

10 October 2023

This interactive session builds on the experience and ongoing activities implemented by the CapaCITIES partners in 15 EU countries to support the Mission Cities in their national contexts. Partners from Hungary, Poland, Portugal and Slovakia will give insights on their…


Opportunities of the Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities Mission for Turkish Local Authorities

5 October 2023

TÜBİTAK, as the responsible institute of coordination of the Horizon Europe Program in Türkiye and partner of the CAPACITIES project, organised the event "Opportunities of the Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities Mission for Turkish Local Authorities” that will take place on…

Past event

CapaCITIES at SuperScienceMe 2023, a 'long Night' of science and fun in the footsteps of European missions

29 September 2023

On Friday 29 September, on the occasion of the 2023 edition of the European Researchers' Night "SuperScienceMe - ReSearch is your Re-Source", several initiatives have been promoted to involve the general public in the inexhaustible world of science, offering laboratories…

Past event

French national event: Accélérer vers la neutralité climatique

26 September 2023

With the support of CapaCITIES, and as part of the French national Mirror Group's activities (in partnership with the City of Marseille, the Ministry of Higher Education and Research, the General Commission for Sustainable Development - CGDD, the National Agency…

Past event

CapaCITIES Webinar: Funding and financing for climate neutral cities: How can the national level support cities?

25 September 2023

How are cities planning to finance their 2030 climate neutrality objective? What are the traditional sources of funding and what are the innovative financing approaches and tools? Finally, what can the national level do to better support local governments in…

Past event

The 23rd Forum of the World Alliance for Low Carbon Cities in Vaasa, Finland

19-21 September 2023

The 2023 World Alliance for Low Carbon Cities Forum in Vaasa (19 - 21 September) will emphasize international collaboration in the spirit of the EU missions and accelerate the co-implementation of the twin green & digital transition. Vaasa, the Nordic…

Past event

The Viable Cities Transition Lab

21 july 2023

The Swedish national support platform Viable Cities is co-creating a learning environment called “Transition Lab” for stakeholders involved in fulfilling the mission “climate neutral cities with a good life for all within the planetary boundaries”. It consists of concepts such…

MORE INFORMFrench national event: Accélérer vers la neutralité climatique
Past event

CapaCITIES Webinar: Multi-level governance - a prerequisite for successful Cities Mission implementation

20 June 2023

Multi-level governance is seen as one of the key factors towards achieving the Cities Mission towards climate neutrality. Innovative approaches are needed to strengthen collaboration across governance levels and advance urban support structures. implementation. Questions will be addressed on how…

Past event

CapaCITIES Webinar: GHG emissions data monitoring and reporting for climate neutral cities: How can the national level actors get more involved?

12 June 2023

The webinar will be dedicated to discussions about current barriers and challenges for cities with the GHG emissions data monitoring and reporting, as well as about the key opportunities and benefits of this exercise. We will look at monitoring and…

2:1 ratio (200 by 100 pixels) Past event

CapaCITIES exchange and workshop: Stakeholder mapping and engagement

1 June 2023

The online workshop was focused on stakeholder mapping and engagement and provided the perfect opportunity to work collectively on the country's own sense-making map. The map is a visual tool informing about the structure of the national platforms as well…

Past event

CapaCITIES meets CRaFT Cities

24 May 2023

In the framework of Craft project activities related to CapaCITIES project have been presented with a very special focus on alignment action with Ambassadors.

Past event

CapaCITIES Transition Lab Webinar

26 April 2023

The Transition Lab Webinar provided an opportunity to learn more about the Viable Cities' Transition Lab format and how it can be implemented in the CapaCITIES Countries' own contexts. The Transition Lab is a method that brings the necessary people to the…

Past event

CapaCITIES meets NECPlatform

3 April 2023

In the framework of event organized by Agenda 21 NECPlatform project the activities we are working in CapaCITIES. It hase been presented the sense-making map (Italy) as well as activities related to Transition Team and Lab have beenillustreated in brief.

Past event

Deep dive into Climate City Contract: How can the national level get involved in the development of the CCCs?

29 March 2023

The first capacity building session of the project started with exploring how the national governments can engage with the Mission Cities to develop Climate City Contracts (CCC). The participants were able to learn more about the CCC as a governance…

Past event

How to strengthen national governance for achieving the Cities Mission – good practice cases from Austria, France, Greece and Hungary

20 March 2023

It was the first webinar in the series of the events that will contribute to the building of the CapaCITIES Transnational Cities Mission Alliance. It focused on how to strengthen national governance for achieving the Cities Mission and presented good…

Past event

Joint meeting CapaCITIES and NetZeroCities City Advisors

9 March 2023

The event aimed to build a stronger cooperation between CapaCITIES project and the group of the NetZeroCities City Advisors so that countries can benefit most from these two initiatives. The discussions centered on how the CapaCITIES is embedded in the…

Past event

CapaCITIES Transition Lab Forum

8-9 December 2022

The Forum was co-organised with the Swedish Energy Agency and Viable Cities in Sweden and offered the participants the opportunity to meet relevant stakeholders engaged in accelerating the transition to climate neutral cities 2030 - with the Climate City contracting…

Past event

Building Capacities for the Climate Neutral and Smart Cities Mission CapaCITIES

December 2022

The International event was organized by ENEA and workshop on CapaCITIES was co-desing with CapaCITIES participants. The workshop offered to the participants the opportunity to know about the project itself and relevant contribution form DUT Partnership and Net Zero Cities…

Past event

Kick-off meeting – project CapaCITIES

6-7 October 2022

The event took place in Brussels and was organized back-to-back with the Driving Urban Transitions Partnership Launch Event. Countries participating in the CapaCITIES project, members of the Mission Board, members of the Mission Cities and relevant stakeholders were present at…


For the project’s background and more information about the wider activities of JPI Urban Europe, please visit the initiative’s website here
