Urban Lunch Talk #35 – The 15-minute City: The Role of Logistics

4 December | 12:00-13:00 (CET) | Online (Zoom)  

The urban mobility transition calls for systemic shifts and innovative solutions to achieve sustainable urban environments. While much attention is placed on personal mobility, the logistics sector also plays a crucial role in shaping urban environments where residents can access what they need within short distances.

In this Urban Lunch Talk, we will explore the importance of integrating the mobility of people and goods in the transition to accessible, 15-minute cities. Join us as we discuss recent research findings and solutions for efficient, environmentally friendly freight transport. We will explore how these strategies can enhance access to goods across all urban areas, including suburban neighbourhoods.

Panel guests

    • Philipp Müller, Project Manager & Research Fellow Transport Logistics, Fraunhofer IML
    • Shadi Sharif Azadeh, Associate professor at Transport & Planning department and co-director of the SUM lab, TU Delft 
    • Víctor Ferran, Urban mobility consultant, Bax 


Jennifer Wendelius, Communications Officer, Driving Urban Transitions Partnership


Watch the recording


This Urban Lunch Talks is the third in our series addressing critical issues in the 15-minute City. We define critical issues as issues that might affect the successful implementation of the 15-minute City concept, and consequently the transition towards just and sustainable cities. Learn more about the critical issues in our Position Paper ‘Navigating the 15-minute City: First Learnings and Discussions from the Driving Urban Transitions Partnership’.  

Find the first two episodes in the series here: 

The 15-minute City: A City for Everyone? 

The 15-minute City: What Role Does Community Engagement Play? 


Urban Lunch Talk webinar series

This Urban Lunch Talk is part of a webinar series to discuss and synthesise cross-cutting research and innovation, with diverse stakeholders across Europe and beyond. By facilitating conversations among various stakeholders, we aim to inspire collaborative efforts and practical solutions that can drive sustainable transitions in urban policies and practices. The webinar is designed to be more of a listening experience, allowing you to enjoy your lunch or take a walk at the same time. The Urban Lunch Talk is live recorded on Zoom, and later published for the Driving Urban Transitions YouTube channel.

Find the latest episodes on the DUT YouTube channel. Previous episodes can be found on the JPI Urban Europe YouTube channel.