Circular Urban Economies (CUE) Projects
The Circular Urban Economies for a regenerative urbanism (CUE) Transition Pathway is underpinned by the idea that cities can repair the degraded natural cycles of the planet while supporting a high quality of life for all their inhabitants. The DUT Call 2022 selected 12 projects in the CUE pathway focusing on 3 themes:
- Urban resource sharing and circularity. The 6 projects funded under this theme are CDCUL, Circular Grassroots, ECLECTIC, FOCUSE, Phygital Cooperation in Retrofitting Public Space and TransScale
- Nature-based Solutions (NBS). The 4 projects funded under this theme are GREEN-INC, GreenStorm, IntegrateNbS and Naturo
- Urban Food Systems. The 2 projects funded under this theme are FEED4FOOD and SURFIT.
Find the list of projects and partners below.
3.1 Urban Resource Sharing and Circularity
CDCUL – Consumer Demand for Circular Urban Living: Insights from Sweden, Slovenia, and The Netherlands
This project examines whether, and the extent to which, individuals in different European contexts are willing to pay for urban housing with design features that encourage sharing. The study will use choice modelling methods plus in-depth qualitative methods to examine how the presence of circular features influences individuals’ willingness to pay for urban housing.
Project coordinator: RISE, Research Institutes of Sweden AB
Project partners: Arkitekterna Krook & Tjäder Göteborg AB, Gospodarska Zbornica Slovenije, MKB Fastighets AB, Riksbyggen Ekonomisk Förening, Universiteit Maastricht, Zavod Tigr, Zavod Za Gradbenistvo Slovenije
Participating countries: Netherlands, Slovenia, Sweden
Circular Grassroots – Circular Grassroots Innovations for Sustainable and Inclusive Urban Transitions
This project aims to examine challenges and opportunities faced by citizen-driven initiatives to scale their circular grassroots innovations, as well as the role of space, democratic governance, and inclusivity, in their diffusion. The approach involves facilitating knowledge co-production among activists, grassroots initiatives, scholars, and policymakers.
Project coordinator: Göteborgs universitet
Project partners: Architectural Studio Time to Access, Àrea de Medi Ambient AMB. Direcció de Serveis de Prevenció i Gestió de Residus. Área Metropolitana de Barcelona, Barcelona Activa Sa Spm, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique CNRS, Chalmers Tekniska Högskola AB, City of Gothenburg, Ecopole Cpie Pays de Nantes, Fundacio Barcelona Institute of Technology for the Habitat Bit Habitat, Fundació Per a la Prevenció de Residus I el Consum Responsible, Fundacio Universitaria Balmes, Majorna Samverkan, Reseau Europeen des Villes et Regions de l’economie Sociale Aisbl, Restarters BCN, Solidarisk Kylskåp – Solidarity Fridge, Universitat de Barcelona, Universiteit van Amsterdam
Participating countries: Belgium, France, Netherlands, Spain, Sweden
ECLECTIC – Enabling CircuLar Economy aCTIon plans for small and medium-sized Cities
ECLECTIC aims to enable the design, implementation, and monitoring of circular economy action plans that contribute effectively to a climate-neutral, sustainable and just transition for small and medium-sized EU cities and regions.
Project coordinator: Accademia Europea di Bolzano
Project partners: Chalmers Tekniska Högskola AB, City of Gothenburg, Comunidade Intermunicipal da Regiao de Coimbra, Instituto Politecnico de Coimbra, Jonavos Rajono Savivaldybes Administracija, Kauno Technologijos Universitetas, Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano
Universidade de Coimbra
Participating countries: Italy, Lithuania, Portugal, Sweden
FOCUSE – Food Production and Provisioning through Circular Urban Systems in European Cities
The overall aim of this project is to explore, envision, develop, experiment, and analyse strategies to promote more circular-based food production in cities by synergistic development, residual material and spaces to enable sustainable and resource-efficient food provisioning.
Project coordinator: IVL Svenska miljöinstitutet AB
Project partners: Alma Mater Studiorum – Universita di Bologna, Grönska Stadsodling 365 AB, Invest Stockholm Business Region AB, Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan, Skellefteå kommun, Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona, Uniwersytet Wroclawski, Wroclaw Miasto
Participating countries: Italy, Poland, Spain, Sweden
Phygital Cooperation in Retrofitting Public Space – Phygital Models of Cooperation in the Retrofitting of Public Space: Community Reclaiming of the City Through the Lens of Participation and Circularity (Co.R.Pu.S.)
Co.R.Pu.S. aims to research alternative processes for retrofitting public spaces in neighbourhoods, with the involvement of local stakeholders and citizens and with the support of digital civic technologies. Using Urban Living Labs (ULLs) the project will provide insights on how to form a phygital model of cross sectoral cooperation to tackle degradation of urban space, supported by a blockchain-based value exchange system.
Project coordinator: Universita Degli Studi di Torino
Project partners: Anoixto Ergastirio Athinas Astiki mi Kerdoskopiki Etaireia, Circoscrizione IV della Città di Torino, Dimos Egaleo, FBW Urbanists – Architects, Technische Universiteit Delft
Participating countries: Greece, Italy, Netherlands
TransScale – Scale-Up and Scale-Out Sharing Capacity for Sustainable Urban Transformation
The TransScale project uses elements of the sharing economy to improve a community’s capacity to transform. Utilising digital technologies and sharing platforms, the project explores how sharing can lead to transformative changes. It seeks solutions applicable across various scales and assets.
Project coordinator: Banku Augstskola
Project partners: Aalborg universitet, Asker commune, City of Copenhagen, Natuur en Milieufederatie Groningen, Nordisk institutt for Studier av innovasjon, forskning og utdanning, Po-Dzielnia, Poznan City Hall, Repair Cafe Danmark, Rigas Dome, Sabiedriba ar Ierobezotu Atbildibu Artsmart, Stowarzyszenie Jadłodzielnia Foodsharing Polska, Uniwersytet Im. Adama Mickiewicza W Poznaniu
Participating countries: Denmark, Latvia, Netherlands, Norway, Poland
3.2 Nature-based Solutions (NBS)
GREEN-INC – Growing Effective & Equitable Nature-based Solutions through Inclusive Climate Actions
The GREEN-INC project will perform a systematic evaluation of Inclusive Climate Actions (ICAs) in European cities. The evaluation will result in the identification of institutional conditions and design principles under which ICAs can flourish, helping the uptake of nature-based solutions (NbS) in different European contexts.
Project coordinator: Universiteit van Amsterdam
Project partners: Asociatia Informart, Comune di Torino, Etats Generaux de l eau a Bruxelles, Luleå tekniska universitet, Politecnico di Torino, Skellefteå kommun, Stichting Waternet, Universitatea din Bucuresti, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Participating countries: Belgium, Italy, Netherlands, Romania, Sweden
GreenStorm – Design and Deployment of Stormwater Nature-Based Solutions (NBSsw) for a Resilient and Livable City
GreenStorm targets nature-based solutions designed to manage stormwater (NBSsw) as a means of urban transition, with a specific focus on climate adaptation, resilience of urban vegetation, but also enhanced social benefits. The project aims to improve NBSsw structures and identify pathways for their implementation.
Project coordinator: Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussees
Project partners: Athens Anaplassis S.A., Centre d Etudes et d Expertise Sur les Risques l Environnement la Mobilite et l Amenagement, Comune di Genova, Departement de la Seine-Saint-Denis, Geoponiko Panepistimion Athinon, Københavns commune, Københavns universitet, Koordinat, Luleå tekniska universitet, Östersunds kommun, Universita Degli Studi di Genova, Universite Gustave Eiffel, Ville de Paris
Participating countries: Denmark, France, Greece, Italy, Sweden
IntegrateNbS – Fulfilling the Transformative Potential of Nature-Based Solutions: From Fragmentation to Integration
The overarching goal of this project is to support and enhance the potential of nature-based solutions (NbS) to respond to the interconnected social-environmental challenges while also realising the potential of urban spaces as spaces of human and ecological flourishing.
Project coordinator: Stiftinga Vestlandsforsking
Project partners: Asociacion BC3 Basque Centre for Climate Change – Klima Aldaketa Ikergai, Ayuntamiento de Bilbao, Confederacion Hidrografica del Ebro, Lunds universitet, Miasto Minsk Mazowiecki, Nordregio, Sogndal commune, Szkola Glowna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego, Vattenakademin ek. för.
Participating countries: Norway, Poland, Spain, Sweden
Naturo – Engagement of Marginalised Groups in NBS Planning and Management via Long-Term Mosaic Governance
The aim of NATURO is to develop a strategic framework, including a process and methodology, for capacity building and empowerment of both local governments and civil society stakeholders to co-create nature-based solutions (NbS).
Project coordinator: Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet
Project partners: Gemeente ‘S-Hertogenbosch, Living Cities Stockholm AB, Mestna Obcina Velenje, Tyresö kommun, Urbanisticni Institut Republike Slovenije Javni Zavod, Wageningen University
Participating countries: Netherlands, Slovenia, Sweden
3.3 Urban Food Systems
FEED4FOOD – Vulnerable Communities Driving Innovation and Governance for Sustainable Food Systems in European Cities
The FEED4FOOD project aims to enable urban agriculture to contribute to local economic development, poverty alleviation, the social inclusion of vulnerable groups, as well as to the greening of the city and the productive reuse of urban wastes.
Project coordinator: Stichting VU
Project partners: Aquablend Polska, Area, Democritus University of Thrace, Fundacja Twoja Rola, Ladies Union of Drama, Kes Research Center Cyprus, University of Bucharest, University of Agriculture Krakow, Democritus University of Thrace, V.L. Sustainability Metrics Cyprus, Strovolos Municipality
Participating countries: Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Spain
SURFIT – Scaling Urban Regenerative Food Systems In Transition
Through transdisciplinary research in Urban Food Labs, the project aims to explore, understand and engage in how catalysers can be designed to scale urban regenerative food networks for systemic transitions.
Project coordinator: Universiteit Maastricht
Project partners: Altroconsumo, Associazione CSA Naturalmente in Trentino, Associazione Trentinosolidale ODV, Club per l’unesco di Trento, Comune di Trento, Cooperatie Gedeelde Weelde B.A., Farmacie Comunali S.P.A., Fundacja Targ Pietruszkowy, Gemeente Maastricht, Gmina Miejska Kraków, Zarzad Zieleni Miejskiej W Krakowie, Limbio, Locotuinen de Oogst C.V., Lunds universitet, Malmö Food Council, Skånes livsmedelsakademi, Slow Food Trentino Alto Adige-Südtirol, Stiftelsen världsnaturfonden WWF, Sweden Foodtech AB, Universita Degli Studi di Trento, Uniwersytet Jagiellonski, Voedsel.Coop
Participating countries: Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Sweden