March 2024

Invitation: Stakeholder Consultation on PEDs

Positive Energy Districts play a crucial role in the transformation of cities towards a carbon-neutral future and the urban energy transition. However, the role of PEDs in the climate-neutral city has not been clearly defined yet and there is still ambiguity and regarding the precise framework of the PED concept.

Take part of the stakeholder consultation process

The Driving Urban Transitions (DUT) Partnership has initiated a broad stakeholder consultation process on updating the PED Framework Definition as a key building block towards climate-neutral cities that included an AGORA event in October 2023. Since then, we have worked on defining the central elements for this update.


“We believe that gathering insights and perspectives from various stakeholders will help us in refining and enriching the definition of PEDs to better align with the needs and realities of climate-neutral neighbourhoods. Your expertise and input are invaluable to us in this endeavour.”

– Christoph, PED Transition Pathway Coordinator


Step 1: Participate in our survey

Share your thoughts, experiences, and suggestions regarding Positive Energy Districts. This will be the first step ahead of the AGORA, and your contribution will aid us in creating a more comprehensive and inclusive framework

The survey closed inApril. Your responses will be treated with utmost confidentiality and will solely be used for the purpose of this initiative.


Step 2: Save the date and join the AGORA Dialogue

The stakeholder consultation will be continued at the upcoming PED AGORA Dialogue. The AGORA will share insights on the practitioners perspectives on PEDs, discuss the results of the stakeholder consultation survey on the PED framework definition and provide space for interactive in-depth discussion on the PED narrative.

PED 3.0 – Our journey to climate-neutrality

14 May 2024, 14:00 – 17:00 (CEST), Online

» More information

Please note that there is limited space for participation in this event and your participation will be confirmed shortly after the registration deadline.

Should you have any questions, reach out to us at