July 2023
Summer Editorial
The Driving Urban Transitions Partnership has published the draft call text for DUT Call 2023. DUT’s extensive stakeholder engagement activities embed the call priorities in the wider context of European policies. DUT is not only closely cooperating with European initiatives, but also aligning its activities and thematic priorities on a global level.
The DUT Partnership actively supports the European Mission on Climate-neutral and Smart Cities. Our annual calls pave the way for evidence-based R&I solutions to bring about the so much needed transformations to make cities climate neutral. With our extensive portfolio of mainstreaming, replication and valorisation activities, the DUT Partnership directly brings into our cities findings from R&I projects that address the key issues for urban transitions. Likewise, the many DUT activities to mobilise and empower different kinds of urban stakeholders to engage in projects and co-design solutions, are essential to ensure that different perspectives and approaches are seen, heard and implemented for the benefit of all. And last but not least, the DUT Partnership promotes urban living labs for local experimentation and creation of good practice cases.
Our DUT Call 2023 – which opens on 1 September, with the call topics already published – aims for impact-oriented, people-centred contributions to urban transformations in the fields of circularity, mobility and energy, that provide hands-on support for cities and municipalities. We very much look forward to seeing your innovative proposals coming in! The call topics have been aligned with the European Cities Mission, as well as with the Urban Transitions Mission of Mission Innovation. To stay close to the key challenge-owners – the cities – DUT has established a City Panel to consult thematic priorities of the calls and promote exchange between the cities. In early June, more than 20 cities met at the City Panel Meeting in Vienna and discussed projects, learnings, challenges and potential pathways.
With this, we wish you a wonderful and relaxing summer and an inspiring autumn.
Margit Noll
CEO DUT Partnership